Thursday, October 22, 2009

Success Is The Only Option

I succeed
Failure is not an option
It is a learning experience that is painful
I have had the painful experiences
Not failures.

I succeed
Winning point by point
Or acing a test
But when I flunk
It is an obstacle to overcome
Not a failure.

I am guarded
Too afriad to let anyone get close to me
That resembles weakness
That's unacceptable and unbearable
But I am social, and not because I have to
Rather because I need to.

I am not shy
I am not afraid to be me
From having a neglected childhood
To divorced parents
Having psychotic relationships, and overcoming them
I accept nothing less than success.

I raised my little sisters
When I was still a kid, myself
I was not resentful
Nor was I the one to argue
"Just shut up and get 'er done"
That is what I would think.

Did Micheal Jordan give up
When he was cut from the high school team?
Did Lucille Ball quit acting
When critics said she was too afraid?
Did Abraham Lincoln shut down after he lost 8 elections?

Here I am
Unafraid, guarded, outstanding
The pain suffered was but a small moment in history
I overcome
I overdo
I know how to love and be kind
But better yet,
I know
I succeed.


Makenzie Langhaim said...

oh my this is so good. this is most definately the favorite thing ive ever written for this class so far. very intense. so well written!!!

Crede Carter said...

Excellent. Honestly, I hate failure as well.