Sunday, August 30, 2009


In many cases of the word, I am a writer. Along with many people, I firmly believe that reading helps to improve your writing. Whether it is creating a broad range of vocabulary, or simply giving you ideas on what to write about. As I view the world around me, I can get a sense of understanding, and all the tiny particles of matter that flow over head can be put into thoughts. Which then can be written down into words. The process of natural understanding is exceptional.

You would think that many writers are the type of people that sit in a dark room, characterizing each person, engrossed in thought of what will lie in the next scene. Or sit in a Starbucks, drinking their coffee like it's nobody's business. Well, have you ever considered a writer to be the captain of the high school football team? Or, how about the starting pitcher on a baseball team? Writers are everywhere. You cannot put them into categories. You cannot label someone, when you really have no understanding on what lies within.

As I have progressed as a writer, I am able to reflect on past pieces. Essays I have written, journal entries that were scribbled down on a piece of paper, or poems I have deliberated. I took a poetry class this last year, and although it is not a grammar or English class, I learned how to relate to the environment around me and put what I saw into words. I recommend trying it sometime! It could be for your benefit.

People may ask themselves, "Is writing for me?" or "Can I amount up to J.K. Rowling or Stephanie Meyer?" The answer is yes, however, is that what I want? Well, that would be a negative, Captain. My style of writing is more casual. For instance, free verse poetry with a little bit of end rhyme. My strengths come from freedom of expression, and that is where I find my peace.

"My life is light that can brighten
My happiness releases the need to intervene
I am strengthened by my own weaknesses
Observing surroundings is knowledge to me."